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For three generations, the Vocatura family has been baking fresh Italian bread in Norwich, Connecticut.


IJ Bakes Up A Fresh Forfeiture VICTORY In Connecticut-Institute for Justice



Institute for Justice



August 2016 Robert Everett Johnson Attorney


The current generation can tell you stories about crawling into the industrial-sized ovens as children (while the ovens were off, of course) and riding the trays like a carousel. Now they work around the clock to keep the bakery going, baking at night and working retail through the day.

The family nightmare started in May 2013, when eight armed IRS agents descended on the bakery and began asking questions about a series of under-$10,000 cash deposits (the bakery was a cash-only business). The agents informed the Vocaturas they had seized the bakerys entire bank account.

When IJ met the Vocaturas, they had almost given up hope. Federal prosecutors and the IRS had been hounding the family for years, first seizing over $68,000 and then threatening the Vocaturas with additional forfeitures and time in prison all because of how they deposited money in the bank.

But IJ was able to turn the situation around and in the process was able to help other small businesses facing similar abuse.

As regular readers of Liberty & Law are aware, IJ has litigated a series of similar cases involving structuring laws. These laws which make it a crime to limit the size of bank deposits to evade federal reporting requirements were designed to target real criminals but have been applied to small businesses accused only of doing business in cash.

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